Dr. Chambers is named the new Division Chief

Dr. Chambers is named the new Division Chief, and the Division is renamed as the Division of Environmental Science and Health.

Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones officially retires

Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones officially retires as Division Chief of Division of Dysmorphology & Teratology at UC San Diego and from the Rady Children’s Hospital Department of Pediatrics. After 48 years as a pediatrician and dedicated advocate for children diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, he continues to contribute to the Center through MotherToBaby California and MotherToBaby Pregnancy Studies activities.

Researchers Continue Study of COVID-19 Vaccinations, Pregnancy and Postpartum

With the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic ongoing, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, in collaboration with the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), will continue a national study to evaluate the safety of COVID-19 vaccinations during pregnancy, and monitor immune response for mother and baby following vaccinations.

Published research has found that pregnant people are particularly vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection and at higher risk of developing a more serious or complicated disease course, including approximately a 70 percent increased risk of death. Infection in pregnancy also increases the risk for preterm delivery and other adverse pregnancy outcomes, including stillbirth.

“Pregnant people are considered a priority population for COVID-19 vaccination. However, only about a third of pregnant persons have chosen vaccination,” said Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, principal investigator on the Vaccines and Medications in Pregnancy Surveillance System (VAMPSS) coordinated by AAAAI, professor in the Department of Pediatrics at UC San Diego School of Medicine and director of the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS) MotherToBaby Pregnancy Studies.

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Dr. Gretchen Bandoli is named Director of the Center for Population Research and Scientific Methods

Dr. Gretchen Bandoli is named Director of the Center for Population Research and Scientific Methods at the UC San Diego Altman Clinical and Translational Institute.

UC San Diego receives three awards to support the national Healthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study

UC San Diego receives three awards to support the national Healthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study. This study is a multi-site, NIH-funded study that will recruit 7,500 pregnant people across the U.S. and follow the mothers and their baby for 10 years to better understand infant and childhood neurodevelopment. The awards include serving as the Administrative Coordinating Center for all HBCD study sites (PIs: Christina Chambers, UC San Diego; and Charles Nelson, Harvard Medical School); serving as the Data Coordinating Center for all HBCD study sites (PIs: Anders Dale, UC San Diego; Damien Fair, University of Minnesota; and Chris Smyser, Washington University); and funding to support San Diego County as one of the study recruitment sites (PIs: Gretchen Bandoli and Sheila Gahagan, UC San Diego).

Dr. Chambers receives the Community Leader Award

Dr. Chambers receives the Community Leader Award from the San Diego Chapter of the March of Dimes.

Center Launches Pregnancy & Lactation Studies on Functional Constipation Treatment

UC San Diego Center for Better Beginnings’ researchers have launched two new studies investigating the treatment of functional constipation in pregnancy and lactation. The studies are examining the use of Motegrity® (prucalopride), a medication used to treat chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C).

Both of these new studies are led by our Co-Director, UC San Diego perinatal epidemiologist Dr. Christina Chambers. With limited data currently available on the effects of Motegrity® if taken while pregnant or chestfeeding, these studies will provide both pregnant and nursing parents and their healthcare providers with information that will allow them to make more informed treatment decisions for a healthier – and more comfortable – pregnancy and chestfeeding experience.

“Functional constipation is not an uncommon condition, and can be quite uncomfortable,” said Chambers. “However, there is little information about the use of medications to treat functional constipation in pregnant or lactating women.”

The Pregnancy Study: The MotherToBaby Pregnancy Study is enrolling those with and without exposure to Motegrity®, and will provide critical safety information on the use of this medication during pregnancy. Participants will not be asked to change any part of their health care routine, including medications, nor will they be asked to travel. MotherToBaby Pregnancy Studies are conducted by the non-profit Organization of Teratology Information Specialists and coordinated at the Center for Better Beginnings.

Visit MotherToBaby Pregnancy Studies

The Lactation Study: Mommy’s Milk: Human Milk Research Biorepository is conducting a study with chestfeeding people who are taking Motegrity® while nursing. Participants will be interviewed by phone, asked to provide milk samples at different time points over a 24-hour period before and after taking a dose of Motegrity®, complete questionnaires about baby’s growth and development, and release baby’s medical records. Volunteers will receive up to $125 for completing the study.

Visit Mommy’s Milk



Providing Equal Opportunities to Healthy Lives

The Center for Better Beginnings is leading efforts in building a more representative, equitable and inclusive community that provides opportunities for everyone to reach their fullest potential.

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Dr. Chambers is selected to give the Lucille Hurley Distinguished Lectureship

Dr. Chambers is selected to give the Lucille Hurley Distinguished Lectureship to the UC Davis Graduate Group in Nutritional Biology.

Dr. Jones and Dr. del Campo publish the 8th edition of “Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation”

Dr. Jones and Dr. del Campo publish the 8th edition of the book, “Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation”.