Clinical Services

Clinical Services

Health Care in San Diego & Beyond

Dr. Jones see patients at UC San Diego Health Pediatrics in Kearny Mesa and Dr. del Campo see patients at the Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego’s FASD Clinic, providing specialty services and expert care to children with birth defects and genetic conditions. Our expert pediatricians are available for in-patient consults at the UCSD Medical Center (in the neonatal intensive care unit, newborn nursery and autopsy service) and Scripps Mercy Hospital. 

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Program

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Program

Screening and Referral for At-Risk Populations

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) can be difficult to diagnose. Through our Institute for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Discovery (IFASDD), we have implemented a program to screen at-risk populations such as youth involved with the juvenile justice system and children receiving services from KidStart, a Rady’s program for children with complex developmental, mental health, medical and family needs. Learn more about this screening program and the other important work being done by IFASDD.

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Learning for You & Others Like You

About half of birth defects are caused by genetic or environmental factors or a combination of the two; in the other half of cases, the cause is unknown. Our research teams are dedicated to better understanding the causes of birth defects, tracking how often they occur, and identifying ways we can prevent them. Whether we’re evaluating the safety of a medication taken in pregnancy, examining the molecular properties of breast milk that contribute to infant gut health, determining the prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in school-age children, or monitoring cases of Zika-related birth defects in California, one thing is certain: we won’t stop researching until we have the answers that moms and babies deserve.

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Support Groups

FASD Support Groups & Resources

When Your Family Needs Assistance

When consumed during pregnancy, alcohol has a devastating and irreversible effect on a baby’s developing brain, and can result in baby being born with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The long-term cognitive and behavioral issues seen in children with FASD can be difficult not only for the child, but for his/her family as a whole. Add to this the stigma that is attached to a FASD diagnosis, and a family impacted by FASD can feel isolated and helpless.

Not anymore. Through our Institute on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Discovery, and in partnership with SoCal NOFAS, we provide support groups for families affected by FASD. Talking with others who are affected by the same disorder, sharing your experiences (both good and bad), and absorbing the lessons learned from others who have truly walked a mile in your shoes can be incredibly powerful, helpful and healing.

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Patient Care

Patient Care

Specialized Care for Your Child

Birth defects may be identified in pregnancy, shortly after birth or at any time throughout childhood and adolescence. Our pediatric specialists, Dr. Jones and Dr. del Campo, are experts in the diagnosis and care of children with birth defects, known as congenital anomalies. Specializing in genetics and dysmorphology, Dr. Jones holds a position at both UC San Diego Health and Dr. del Campo at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego. They both will give your child the tender care he or she needs when tackling and overcoming these challenges. If your child has been diagnosed with a birth defect, or you are wondering if there is a problem, contact us today.

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Breast Milk


Advancing Our Understanding of Mommy’s Milk

Breast milk is referred to as “liquid gold”, but there are so many unanswered questions about exactly what it is that makes it so beneficial for a growing baby. And there are even more questions about whether the things that a mom is exposed could be passed on to her baby via her breast milk. One of our programs, Mommy’s Milk Human Milk Research Biorepository, aims to help moms and healthcare providers answer these questions.

The goal of Mommy’s Milk is to build a “library” of breast milk samples from woman all over the United States, so that researchers can use these samples to answer all of the questions we have about nature’s best natural food. Sign up today to donate just two ounces of your milk, and you can be a part of this groundbreaking work.

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Information & Counseling Services

Information & Counseling

Talk To Us About Your Lactation Concerns

Many substances can travel from your bloodstream to your breast milk. What does this mean for your milk supply—and your feeding baby? Our MotherToBaby California information service answers these questions for lactating women by assessing the most current research on drugs, diseases and other toxins, and then counsels women and their health care providers so they can make informed decisions. This service is available by telephone, email, and live chat, all at no cost to you. The MotherToBaby website also houses a library of fact sheets in both English and Spanish, blogs on a wide variety of topics, and resources available to a breastfeeding mom.

Learn more about MotherToBaby California and how our experts can provide you with free, confidential, evidence-based information on the effects of environmental exposures, infections, medications, illicit drugs, diseases and more on a breastfeeding infant.

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Pregnancy Studies

Pregnancy Studies

Change the World for Future Moms: Volunteer for Research

Shockingly little is known about the effects of many medications when they are used in pregnancy, yet 50% of pregnant women taken at least one medicine. We are dedicated to improving both the quality and the quantity of the information available about the effects of medicines on a pregnancy and a developing baby. We do this by tracking exposures and pregnancy outcomes through our MotherToBaby Pregnancy Studies Program. These critically important studies are “observational,” meaning we do not ask women to take any medications or change any part of their medical or daily routine. By monitoring pregnancy outcomes in real-time, we can rapidly make strides for prevention. Only through the participation of women during pregnancy and during the first years of life can we improve the health of future moms and babies.

Learn how you can make an impact by participating in a study today.

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Information & Counseling Services

Information & Counseling Services

Ask Our Experts

Our MotherToBaby California information service helps women and their healthcare providers address health and safety concerns related to exposures during pregnancy (such as medications, chemicals, recreational substances, or other environmental agents) by providing evidence-based, up-to-date information via phone, email, and live chat, all at no cost to you. The MotherToBaby website also houses a library of fact sheets in both English and Spanish, blogs on a wide variety of topics, and resources available to an expecting mom.

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1st Annual Walkfest for Alcohol-Free Pregnancies

UC San Diego’s Center for Better Beginnings, SoCal NOFAS, and the Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary are raising awareness about the effects of alcohol on a developing baby through the community event, Nine Months Matter: Walkfest for Healthy, Alcohol-Free Pregnancy.


Why is a yearly event dedicated to alcohol-free pregnancies necessary? Because Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders are 100% preventable by abstaining from alcohol while pregnant.

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