Dr. del Campo visits Brazil Providing Clinical Services Against Zika

Dr. del Campo visits Brazil and neighboring countries affected by Zika virus, providing clinical services and assisting with global birth defects prevention.

Dr. Miguel del Campo, MD, PhD

Dr. Miguel del Campo is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Dr. del Campo cares for patients with dysmorphologic, genetic, and teratologic conditions at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego and conducts clinical research projects in the Center for Better Beginnings at UCSD. His research interests include: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), limb defects and HOX signaling pathways, Williams syndrome, Autism, prenatal diagnosis through comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), Marfan syndrome and other connective tissue disorders.

Dr. del Campo developed and implemented the first Telegenetics consultation service and research program at the Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and from 2002 to 2009 he coordinated Orphanet Spain funded by the European Commission and is currently Director of its Scientific Committee. He brings international acclaim to the Center and is fluent in Spanish, Catalan, English and French, as well as proficient in Italian and Portuguese.

Dr. Christina D. Chambers, PhD, MPH

Dr. Chambers is Chief of the Division of Environmental Science & Health, a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, and Family and Preventative Medicine at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, and co-Director of the Center for Better Beginnings. She is also Clinical Professor in the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at UCSD, Vice Chair of Clinical Research in the UCSD Department of Pediatrics, Director of the UCSD CTRI Center for Life Course Research, and Director of Clinical Research at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego.

Dr. Chambers is a perinatal epidemiologist specializing in the area of environmental causes of adverse pregnancy outcomes, birth defects, and childhood disabilities, with a special focus on human teratogens (environmental agents that cause birth defects or other adverse prenatal outcomes). She is currently conducting research on the prevention of alcohol related birth defects, the safety in pregnancy of several new medications used for the treatment of maternal health conditions, and the safety of vaccines during pregnancy. Dr. Chambers serves as an advisor to national and international organizations such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones, MD

Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones is the former Chief of the Division of Dysmorphology & Teratology at the Department of Pediatrics at UCSD, Medical Director of the MotherToBaby California Pregnancy Health Information Line, and co-Director of the Center for Better Beginnings. He is a pediatrician by training, specializing in the identification and treatment of birth defects. He is actively involved in research, teaching, clinical work, and University and public service. He is considered the leading expert of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), as he was one of two doctors at the University of Washington who first identified FAS in the United States in 1973.

Dr. Jones’ research has focused on the evaluation and diagnosis of birth defects, identifying the mechanisms of normal and abnormal fetal development, and the recognition of new environmental agents that cause birth defects. His work on the recognition of new human teratogens is primarily focused through MotherToBaby California, a counseling and research program funded in part by the State of California and monies received from the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS) as part of a cooperative agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Dr. Jones has authored over 400 publications in scientific journals as well as several books, and is the author of the textbook titled Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation.

How We Help

Improving the Health of Mom & Baby is Our Priority

The Center for Better Beginnings is dedicated to improving maternal health and child development, with a focus on better understanding, preventing, and treating birth defects. Birth defects are a leading cause of infant mortality in the United States and a major public health priority. More than 5,500 infants die each year because of birth defects—that is 4 times the rate caused by accidents or unintentional injuries.

Babies who live with birth defects can be at a higher risk for many lifelong physical, intellectual and/or behavioral challenges. Learning your child may have a birth defect can be difficult to absorb. Our customized care approach offers programs and services to support families seeking diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Our Center’s focus is on the comprehensive elimination of birth defects. We know this is only possible through pioneering research efforts, coupled by public health outreach and professional training. See how our programs work together to improve maternal health and promote better outcomes for both parents and babies.

What We Do

Working to Improve the Health of Moms & Babies

Birth defects affect 1 in 33 babies. While not all birth defects can be prevented, many can. UC San Diego’s Center for Better Beginnings works to identify, prevent and treat birth defects that are caused by environmental factors. Since these harmful exposures occur outside of our genetics, we strive to reduce the risks of birth defects with the goal of eliminating them from our lives.

Discover how we are working to improve the health of moms and babies.

Who We Are

Your Greatest Resource for Healthy Pregnancies

The Center for Better Beginnings is one of North America’s foremost institutes for breakthrough pregnancy research and education in maternal health and child development. Our team consists of world-renowned medical professionals and researchers who are at the top of their field and who are supported by a dedicated staff. Within UC San Diego’s Department of Pediatrics, our Center houses multiple programs that are actively generating research, disseminating knowledge, and engaging in public service. Healthy pregnancies and healthy babies are our priority and our passion.

Our Vision

To end preventable birth defects and other adverse pregnancy outcomes, and to improve pre- and postnatal outcomes for both the person who is pregnant and their baby.

Our Goal

To improve the health of all families through:

  • Innovative pregnancy research that improves our knowledge of the causes of preventable birth defects and adverse pregnancy outcomes;
  • Clinical services that are state-of-the-art, comprehensive, and family-centered; and
  • Evidenced-based education that empowers the next generation of professionals and parents.

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A Better Beginning for Every Baby

Through the Prevention of Birth Defects

Center for Better Beginnings - Prevent Birth DefectsThe Center for Better Beginnings at UC San Diego is advancing the health of moms and babies. Located in the Department of Pediatrics, also known as the Division of Environmental Science and Health, we bring together multiple maternal and infant health programs that focus on the identification, prevention, and treatment of birth defects. In order to give every baby the healthiest life possible, you have to start at the beginning.

Birth defects, or congenital anomalies, are structural or functional abnormalities caused by problems during the baby’s development inside the womb. There are two causes for birth defects: genetics and environmental factors. Our specialty is identifying elements from a person’s environment that interrupt healthy cell development in their baby, such as alcohol and certain medications.

Discover how we are pioneering research, providing superb clinical care, and educating the next generation of leaders so we can improve lives everywhere.

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Our Leadership

Giving Families a Brighter Tomorrow

The Center for Better Beginnings co-directors, Dr. Christina Chambers and Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones, are involved in active clinical and epidemiological research programs. They also maintain a strong commitment to teaching at the undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels, and participate in many programs for trainees in the areas of pediatrics, dysmorphology, teratology, genetics, epidemiology, behavioral health, and pharmacology.

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Dr. Jones Honored at the 2015 NOFAS International Gala

Dr. Jones honored at the 2015 NOFAS International Gala, addressing leaders in Washington D.C.