Public Workshops

Public Workshops

Seminars for Awareness, Prevention & Support

The Center for Better Beginnings is committed to educating a wide variety of audiences interested in learning about the causes of birth defects and how they can be prevented and treated, including health care providers, social workers and the general public. Our educational in-service workshops bring you expertly crafted content based on evidence-based, up-to-date information that is relevant to your needs.

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Ground-breaking Efforts at the Forefront of Discovery

The Center for Better Beginnings conducts pregnancy research studies based on the mission of promoting and improving maternal health and child development. Our leaders are world-renowned for the research they spearhead on such topics as the safety of medications and vaccines in pregnancy, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, the frequency with which birth defects occur, and the properties of human milk. But our philosophy is that scientists alone do not make life-changing discoveries. Our discoveries would not be possible without the families who participate in our pregnancy health research studies. Find out how we can partner with you to make the world healthier, together, through research.

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Making an Impact on the Community

Knowledge is power, and we are dedicated to empowering the next generation of parents and professionals. We are actively educating individual community members through our MotherToBaby California information service, our community education workshops, and our annual Nine Months Matter event. And we’re training the next generation of scientists and physicians who would like to dedicate their career to improving maternal health and child development. Browse our professional training opportunities as well as our outreach initiatives to educate women, families and the community-at-large.

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Furthering Science through Cutting-edge Research

UC San Diego is one of the best research universities in the world, and our Center is a part of that. We are making valuable contributions to a wide range of research topics in maternal, infant, and child health. Discover how we are advancing the field and what you can do to help us better understand the causes of adverse pregnancy outcomes and birth defects, and how we can better prevent them.

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Raising the Next Generation

While some birth defects may be identified in pregnancy or shortly after baby’s arrival, other more subtle health conditions may not be noticed until early or middle childhood and beyond. Our pediatricians provide diagnostic and clinical services for children with a broad range of birth defects, while our Center supports families struggling specifically with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and researches this under-recognized condition.

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Helping You Feed Your Baby Safely

Breastfeeding is the most effective way to ensure baby’s health and survival—yet there are many unknowns about the properties of breast milk. We are improving breastfeeding rates by addressing these medicine, chemical and environmental health concerns through individualized counseling and innovative research programs. Learn how we are helping moms and health care providers when faced with chronic health conditions and treatment decisions.

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Growing the Next Generation

Pregnancy is an exciting time for parents-to-be. You want to know as much as you can about your developing baby and how the things you may be exposed to could affect his or her health and development. Browse our programs to learn how we support the health of moms and babies before and throughout pregnancy, and how we contribute to the information that is available to moms-to-be and their healthcare providers.

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Our Communities

The Center for Better Beginnings is the coordinating center at UC San Diego to actively prevent and treat birth defects. In recognition of this public health priority, our programs and services have one unifying focus: to promote healthy moms, healthy pregnancies, and healthy babies through education, research, and top-notch patient care. Learn how we can help you by selecting the community group you identify with below.

The Beginning

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Es, pues, de saber

Es, pues, de saber

Ejercicio de la caza

Es, pues, de saber que este sobredicho hidalgo, los ratos que estaba ocioso, que eran los más del año, se daba a leer libros de caballerías, con tanta afición y gusto, que olvidó casi de todo punto el ejercicio de la caza, y aun la administración de su hacienda.

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