Mommy’s Milk Human Milk Biorepository at UC San Diego is building a research database that will be used to evaluate human milk. As the first-ever human milk research biorepository in the nation, we are moving science forward through highly-trained researchers contributing to human milk breakthroughs and discoveries.
Our goal is to understand all aspects of human milk in hope that this will lead to optimal health for mothers and infants. Clinical data points will be collected from all human milk donors including health outcomes of infants. Meet our staff to learn more about our research interests and affiliations. Contact us to learn how you can get involved and request human milk samples.
Variables collected include:
- Maternal Age
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Education
- Income
- Primary Language
- Height
- Weight
- Pregnancy History (Gravidity, Parity, SAB,TAB)
- Breastfeeding History (Breastfeeding History and Duration)
- Child Eating Habits (EBF, Formula, Solids)
- Personal Medical History
- Family Medical History
- Child Age
- Child Birth Weight, Length and Head Circumference
- Child Apgar Scores
- Preterm Birth
- Delivery Mode
- Child Current Weight, Length and Head Circumference (at the time of the milk sample)
- Pediatric abnormalities
- Maternal exposures (dose, frequency, dates for 7 days prior to collection)
- Adverse Reactions
- Maternal sleep habits
- Maternal exercise habits
- Milk sample collection conditions
- EPDS score
- STAI score
- PSS-10 score
- Food Frequency Questionnaire
Current Research Analyses:
Mommy’s Milk Human Milk Biorepository supports and conducts human milk research throughout the nation and abroad. Research projects currently utilizing human milk donations from our biorepository are paving the way for the future growth of our program. Current research projects include:
Microbiome Analysis
Rob Knight Lab
Untargeted Mass Spectrometry Analysis
Pieter Dorrestein Lab
Macronutrient Profiling
Jae Kim Lab
Oligosaccharide Analysis
Lars Bode