Dr. Jones Meets with Smith’s Medical Fellows

Dr. Jones (top right) meets with Dr. David Smith’s original medical fellows in Madrid, Spain.

Dr. Jones Publishes Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation 4th ed.

Dr. Jones publishes the 4th edition of the book, “Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation”.

CDC Publishes Report on Accutane as Human Teratogen

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publish the first report identifying the acne drug isotretinoin (Accutane) as a cause of miscarriage and a specific pattern of birth defects of the brain, head and face, and heart.

Valproic Acid And Sodium Valproate Considered Teratogens

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announces that valproic acid and sodium valproate, medications used to treat epilepsy, should be considered human teratogens, as evidence emerged linking their use in pregnancy to an increased risk of spina bifida in an infant.

Dr. Jones Receives in Excellence in Community Service Award

Dr. Jones receives an Excellence in Community Service Award from UC San Diego.

Dr. Jones Assists With 3rd Editon of Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation

Dr. Jones assists with the 3rd edition of the book, “Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation, following the death of his friend and mentor Dr. David W. Smith (pictured above) in 1981.

Dr. Jones receives the Distinguished ARC Research Award

Dr. Jones receives the Distinguished Research Award for Basic Research Endeavors toward the Prevention of Mental Retardation from the Association for Retarded Citizens, now known as The ARC.

1st Annual David Smith Workshop

The 1st Annual David Smith Workshop is held in La Jolla, California – a forum to discuss findings in human malformations and morphogenesis. This was the only workshop Dr. Smith attended before he passed away six months later.

Dr. Jones Establishes California Teratogen Information Service

Dr. Jones establishes the California Teratogen Information Service, the earliest beginnings of what would eventually become the MotherToBaby service of the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS).

“Buzz” Chernoff Proves FAS Exists

Gerald F. “Buzz” Chernoff (pictured at right, with Dr. Jones) performs an experiment on mice and proves the association between alcohol consumption and the pattern of malformations seen in fetal alcohol syndrome.