Dr. Chambers Receives WWMB Award

Dr. Chambers receives the 16th Annual Women Who Mean Business Award from the San Diego Business Journal.


A national surveillance system of the safety of drugs and vaccines when used in pregnancy launches; known as the Vaccines and Medications in Pregnancy Surveillance System (VAMPSS), the effort is led by the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) in collaboration with UCSD (Dr. Chambers) and Boston University.

Dr. del Campo Creates First Telegenetics Consultation Service at UPF

Dr. del Campo, a former trainee of Dr. Jones and future Center for Better Beginnings faculty member, creates the first Telegenetics consultation service and research program at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain.

Dr. Jones Awarded Class Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award

Dr. Jones is awarded the Class Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award which provides a 3-year grant at $100K per year.

Dr. Jones Receives Colonel Harland Sanders Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Jones receives the Colonel Harland Sanders Lifetime Achievement Award in Genetics from the March of Dimes.

Dr. Chambers Lands the Front Page of The San Diego Union-Tribune

Dr. Chambers lands the front page of The San Diego Union-Tribune after publishing a study examining selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in pregnancy, and linking use of the medications to an increased risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN).

Dr. Jones Publishes Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation 6th ed.

Dr. Jones publishes the 6th edition of the book, “Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation”.

Dr. Chambers Receives F. Clarke Fraser Award

Dr. Chambers receives the F. Clarke Fraser New Investigator Award from the Teratology Society.