Pre- & Post-Doctoral Fellowship Profiles

Annika Montag-Small

Annika Montag, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar

Doctor of Philosophy, Public Health-Epidemiology
University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University

Dr. Annika Montag is an epidemiologist and pharmacologist with an interest in perinatal drug exposures and Native American health disparities.  She received her PhD in Public Health Epidemiology from the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University in 2014.  Currently a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Pediatrics at UCSD, Annika is pursuing questions relating to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).

Selected publications:

  • Montag, AC, Dusek, M. L., Ortega, M. L., Camp-Mazzetti, A., Calac, D. J. and Chambers, C. D. (2017), Tailoring an Alcohol Intervention for American Indian Alaska Native Women of Childbearing Age: Listening to the Community. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. doi:10.1111/acer.13485
  • Montag AC, Hull AD, Yevtushok L, Zymak-Zakutnya N, Sosyniuk Z, Dolhov V, Jones KL, Wertelecki W, and Chambers C.  (2016) Second Trimester Ultrasound as a Tool for Early Detection of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(11) pp. 2418-2425.
  • Montag A.  Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: identifying at-risk mothers. International Journal of Women’s Health, 8, pp. 311-323.
  • Montag A, Brodine S, Alcaraz J, Clapp J, Allison M, Calac D, Hull A, Gorman J, Lyons Jones K, and Chambers C.  (2015) Effect of depression on risky drinking and response to a screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment intervention. American Journal of Public Health, 105(8) pp. 1572-1576.
  • Montag A, Brodine S, Alcaraz J, Clapp J, Allison M, Calac D, Hull A, Gorman J, Lyons Jones K, and Chambers C.  (2015) Preventing Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancy among an AIAN Population:  Effect of a SBIRT Intervention. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(1) pp.126-135.
  • Montag AC.  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Prevention among AI/AN Women in San Diego County, University of California, San Diego; 2014.
  • Montag A, Dusek M, Mazzetti A, Nelson L, Ortega M, Calac D, Nyquist C, Clapp J, Chambers C. Effect of depression on risky drinking and response to a screening, brief  intervention, and referral for treatment (SBIRT) Intervention. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014:38(6):257A.

Katrina Flores Small

Katrina Flores, MPH

Doctor of Philosophy Candidate

Bachelor of Art, San Diego State University
Master of Public Health, San Diego State University, Graduate School of Public Health

Katrina Flores, MPH, is a doctoral student in Epidemiology in the joint doctoral program at UC San Diego, San Diego State University. Prior to starting the program, she was a post baccalaureate fellow at the Eunice Kennedy ShriverNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), Epidemiology Branch, where she examined racial/ethnic differences in obstetric and neonatal outcomes among women with asthma in the US. She earned her MPH in Epidemiology from San Diego State University and worked at the UCSD Moore’s Cancer Center where she examined demographic and clinical factors associated with survival in pediatric brain tumor patients. Her research interests include pediatric cancers, health disparities and the impact of prenatal exposures on infant and childhood outcomes.

Selected publications:

  • Gonzalez, P, Lim, JW, Wang-Letzkus, M, Flores, KF, Allen, KM, Castañeda, SF, Talavera, GA. Breast cancer cause beliefs: Chinese, Korean, and Mexican American breast cancer survivors. West J Nurs Res. 2014. [epub ahead of print July 7 2014]. doi: 10.1177/0193945914541518.

Manuscripts under review:

  • Gonzalez, P, Flores, KF, Allen, K, Rosales, M, Castañeda, SF, Talavera, GA, Lim, J-W., Wang-Letzkus, Ashing-Giwa, K. Coping with breast cancer in Chinese-, Korean-, and Mexican-American Women.
  • Flores, KF, Crawford, J, Lemus, H, Lindsay, S, Kesari, S. Survival factors in children diagnosed with central nervous system brain tumors in California between 1988 and 2009.
  • Flores, KF, Robledo, CA, Hwang, BS, Leishear, K, Laughon Grantz, K, Mendola, P. Does maternal asthma impact racial/ethnic disparities in obstetric and neonatal complications?
  • Backonja U, Robledo CA, Wallace ME, Flores KF, Kiely M. Reproductive health knowledge among African American women enrolled in a clinic-based randomized controlled trial to reduce psychosocial and behavioral risk, Project DC-HOPE.